About WoofAndWag
A few people have been wanting to know more about WoofAndWag – so here goes:
I go by HavokHusky, I’ve been part of the furry fandom for over a decade now and I started WoofAndWag in April 2019.
At that time I was still pretty new to The pup community.
With WoofAndWag I wanted to create some pup clothing that was a little different, something a bit more inclusive as I couldn’t see a lot of support for Trans and Cis-Female pups and I believe as the pup community is such a diverse group that everyone should feel included!
You can find me in a number of Furry and Pup telegram groups :3 and it is myself in most if not all of the photos on here xD
If you would like to know more get in touch via DM on twitter/instagram or if you find me on telegram send a message there!
You may find me at the next Animalz too :3